Thursday 3 February 2011

Simple guinea pig fun

How to make a fun simple guinea pig hide and rummaging tray.

You will need 2 matching sized Cat litter trays
( I brought my trays from pound land)

Plus the following tools.

* a glue gun and spare glue sticks
* a craft night
* a craft saw
* a pen that will mark the litter trays
* a ruler

Start by marking one tray with the entrance of hide using the ruler and pen. For my hid I have made the entrance in the middle of the long side, 1.5cm from the base of the tray and 8cm wide.
Now mark the second tray with a much wider entrance for the top layer. Mine is around 2.5cm from the base of the and 2cm from each edge of the tray.
Using the craft saw I then cut along the lines.
Very carefully then use the craft knife clean up the edges so there are no sharp edges (you may find it easier to use some sand paper for this)
After you are happy that all sharp edges are gone. Use the glue gun to glue the two tray base to base to form the hid on the bottom and rummaging tray at the top ready to be filled with hay and veg (or fill it with a nice soft blanket).

And that's it all ready.... for your fluffy pigs to enjoy and play.

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